Committee News in Brief: March 11, 2015

Council News in Brief - Pilot
Committee on Planning and Urban Development (PUD) 
March 11, 2015

Improving Municipal Oversight of PayDay Loan Businesses (item 3.1)

At Council`s direction, Administration brought forward a report on the options and impacts related to regulating PayDay Loan businesses. The committee approved and added to the original recommendations including:

  • Assembling a task force to work with appropriate organizations and the provincial and federal governments to amend PayDay Lending Business practices in order to protect financially vulnerable people. The task force is also directed to influence mainstream financial institutions to re-engage low income earners. Administration will report back through the SPC on Community Services and Protective Services no later than end of Q2 2016.
  • Developing provisions in the Business License Bylaw to regulate PayDay Lending Businesses and other fringe financial institutions, with the focus of limiting their proliferation and regulating their geographic distribution. Administration will report back to the SPC on Planning and Urban Development no later than Q4 2015.
  • Related Land Use Bylaw changes will be brought forward to Calgary Planning Commission no later than Q3 2015.

Secondary Suites – Working Group (item 3.2)

A secondary suites working group was established at the direction of Council that includes members of Council and Administration. Their mandate was to consider options on how existing illegal suites can be made safe. The Committee approved and recommended that Council approve the working group recommendations including the endorsement of a Suite Safety Campaign and Land Use Bylaw amendments. The Suite Safety Campaign entails an 18 month effort to convert as many existing illegal suites to legal, safe suites in areas where they are already a permitted land use. It includes:

  • A streamlined process that would reduce approval time from weeks to one day.
  • A focus on safety for existing suites and clarification on safety code compliance.
  • The promotion of an easily identifiable brand for code-compliant suites (sticker).
  • The creation of a registry for suites to more easily track and monitor performance.

Funding Source for Outstanding Acreage Assessments for Calgary Winter Lacrosse Association Municipal Reserve Site in Ogden (item 3.3)

At Council`s direction, Administration provided funding source options for covering the outstanding acreage assessments for the Municipal Reserve parcel in Ogden where the Calgary Winter Lacrosse Association has proposed constructing an indoor recreation facility. The Committee recommended that Council approve a one-time funding expenditure of up to $1.3 million to cover the cost of the acreage assessment levies from the Reserve for Future Capital. This is subject to due diligence review of the project and compliance with all City requirements along with the South East Green line Transit Oriented Planning.


Council News in Brief is an informal summary of highlights from Calgary City Council’s meetings. The City Clerk provides the complete and formal documentation of Council’s meetings.