Council News in Brief - March 30, 2015
News in Brief - Pilot
Regular Meeting of Council
March 30, 2015
Council recognized George Dorn and his 50-year career with The City.
Calgary Airport Authority Annual
Report (verbal)
Council received The Calgary Airport Authority’s annual report
Council ammended and approved recommendations to
increase municipal oversight of PayDay Loan Businesses. The plan involves developing provisions to limit the proliferation of
PayDay Loan Businesses and assembling a task force to work with the provincial
and federal governments on PayDay Loan Business practices in order to protect
financially vulnerable people. Administration will bring forward related Land
Use Bylaw and Business License Bylaw updates along with the terms of reference
for the task force later this year.
Council approved recommendations brought forward by a
secondary suites working group including the endorsement of a Suite Safety
Campaign. The Campaign entails an 18 month effort to convert as many existing
illegal suites to legal, safe suites in areas where they are already a
permitted land use. It will focus on the
safety of existing suites, provide clarification on safety code compliance and
will streamline suite approval process. The campaign includes the promotion of
an easily identifiable brand (sticker) for code-compliant suites and the
creation of a suites registry to more easily track and monitor performance.
Council approved the release of 7 accessible taxi plate
licenses but decided to delay the release of further plates until the impact of
current economic conditions on the taxi market can be further evaluated.
Administration will report back in Q3 2015 with its findings.
Council approved Administration’s recommendation to place the Eamon’s
building for sale with no requirement to return it to the original site. The
building will continue to be stored until September 30th, 2015.
Council received a status update on the Pedestrian Strategy and directed
Administration to report back through the Standing Policy Committee (SPC) on
Transportation and Transit with the finalized strategy in October 2015.
Council approved amendments to the Parking Policy Framework for Calgary including the addition of a new Carshare
Parking Policies section. The amendments provide direction to The City and the
Calgary Parking Authority (CPA) on how to use parking management to support
carshare services in Calgary. Administration will report back to the SPC on Transportation
& Transit no later than September 2016 with an update report on the policy’s
Council approved the Budget
Savings Account Proposal in response to Council’s request to encourage and
provide incentives for City business units to seek annual savings, innovation
and efficiences within their operating and capital budgets. The creation and
implementation of a Budget Savings Account will be monitored and reported
Council News in Brief is an informal summary of
highlights from Calgary City Council’s meetings. The City Clerk provides the complete and
formal documentation of Council’s
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