Committee News in Brief - March 17, 2015

Council News in Brief - Pilot
Priorities and Finance Committee (PFC)
March 17, 2015

Water Services Zero-Based Review Final Report and Administration's Response (item 3.2)
The Committee approved the Water Services Zero-Based Review from Scottish Water International and Administration’s response to the recommendations. The recommendations, once fully implemented, are estimated to generate between $2.4 and $5.0 million in annual financial benefits, as well as improvements to customer service. The Committee will recommend that Council direct Water Services to report back within one year with a detailed implementation plan that includes timing and cost considerations.

Snow Clearing of Pedestrian Priority Areas (2015-2018 Action Plan) (item 3.9)
New funding ($2M/year) for snow clearing of important pedestrian and transit customer links was approved as part of Action Plan 2015¬-2018 to assist Calgarians with mobility challenges to reach work and community destinations. Through a collaborative effort Roads, Calgary Transit and CNS created an initial go¬ forward plan that could be implemented starting in 2015. The Committee approved the report and recommendation that Council direct Administration to report back on the effectiveness of this initiative in conjunction with the annual update on Snow and Ice Control activities.

2014 Year End Accountability Report (item 3.3)
Administration presented the 2014 Year ¬End Accountability Report to provide information on the achievement of 2012-¬2014 business plans and budget commitments during 2014. This is the final report for the 2012-2014 cycle. Administration highlighted achievements and the organization’s advancement of Council’s Fiscal Plan. Key points of discussion included productivity gains generated by the Corporate Strategy on Efficiency and Effectiveness, year-end variances and progress toward the 2020 Sustainability Direction.

Future Accountability Reporting (item 3.4)
Administration presented proposed changes to future accountability reports to Committee for information. The recommendations were developed based on feedback from Council and Administration and were received favorably by Committee members. The changes also align with The City Manager's Leadership Strategic Plan and the recently ¬approved Action Plan 2015-¬2018. The new reports will: build on strengths of previous accountability reports and provide a better balance between the values of individual responsibility and collective accountability; increase focus on the collaborative efforts of The City in progressing towards Council Outcomes, and; provide Council with shorter, more meaningful and concise reports.

Budget Savings Account Proposal (item 3.5)
Administration presented the Budget Savings Account Proposal in response to Council’s request to encourage and provide incentives for business units to seek annual savings, innovation and efficiences, within their operating and capital budgets. The proposal calls for the establishment of a new reserve , into which qualifying savings generated by business units, through the efficient and effective management of their operating and capital budgets will be accumulated for investment in new initiatives which are required. Once approved by Council, the creation and implementation of a Budget Savings Account will be monitored and reported quarterly. The first report will be brought forward in April.

Corporate Project Management Framework Progress Update (item 3.6)
An update on the development and implementation of the Corporate Project Management Framework was provided to Committee for information in response to Audit recommendations. Work is now starting with the Calgary Emergency Management Agency (CEMA) to develop corporate project management guidelines specific to disaster events and improve project management processes related to Tangible Capital Asset reporting. Council recently approved a Notice of Motion to further review The City’s project management practices and the City Manager will report back no later than end of May 2015.

Deferral Report: Municipal Naming, Sponsorship & Naming Rights Policy (item 3.7)
The Committee approved deferral of this report.

Eamon's Building Utilization Supplemental Report - Deferral (item 3.8)
The Committee filed the current recommendations and directed Administration to submit the Report Recommendations directly to Council on March 30, 2015.

Status of Outstanding Motions and Directions (item 3.10)
The Committee moved the Outstanding Motions and Directions.

Council Innovation Fund Application: Legislative Governance Task Force Work Plan Implementation Project (item 3.11)
The Mayor’s Office presented an application for $350,000 from the Council Innovation Fund for a Legislative Governance Task Force Work Plan Implementation Project to be completed in two phases over the next two years. Phase 1 of the project is intended to result in a new, more effective and innovative way of Council conducting citizen member appointments to Boards, Commissions and Committees. Phase 2 will focus on updating the Procedure Bylaw and thereby contributes to Council’s Action Plan 2015-2018 objectives of a “Well-run City” and the Council approved work plan for the Legislative Governance Task Force.

Council News in Brief is an informal summary of highlights from Calgary City Council’s meetings. The City Clerk provides the complete and formal documentation of Council’s meetings.