Mayor Nenshi awarded 2014 World Mayor Prize
The 2012 World Mayor Prize |
“This is a wonderful, unexpected honour from The World Mayor Project. Thank you to the many Calgarians and people from around the world who took the time to nominate me for this award. It speaks to their own engagement, as citizens, in making our city a great place of opportunity for all. Of course, the most important indicator of success for any politician is the improvement of the lives the people they represent. I continue to work hard to make Calgary an even better city, and that work is far from over.”In December 2014, the City Mayors Foundation, a London-based international think tank, released a list of ten mayors from across the globe who they say stand out in terms of public support. Citizens were then given the opportunity to share why their mayor is the best.
- Mayor Naheed Nenshi
Thousands of testimonials were received, according to the City Mayors Foundation, and were considered by the World Mayor jury.
Today the foundation declared Mayor Nenshi the winner followed by Daniël Termont, Mayor of Ghent, Belgium and Mayor Tri Rismaharini of Surabaya, Indonesia who was awarded the World Mayor Commendation.
“He (Mayor Nenshi) is an urban visionary who doesn’t neglect the nitty-gritty of local government,” said the City Mayors Foundation in a release. “For many in North America and indeed Europe, Mayor Nenshi is a role model for decisive management, inclusivity and forward thinking.”
The World Mayor Prize is awarded every two years. Mayor Nenshi is the first Canadian mayor to win the award.
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