Council news in brief: Feb. 9, 2015

Council News in Brief - Pilot
Combined Meeting of Council
February 9, 2015

Land Use Items (item 7)
A number of land use items were considered and all were approved including four secondary suite applications.

New Land Use Created – Neighbourhood Restaurant (item 8.1)
Administration presented Land Use Bylaw updates to create a new land use option, Restaurant: Neighbourhood, to meet the needs of industry and community in addressing the potential negative impacts of neighbourhood Restaurants. Council approved the updates but removed one rule, opting instead to allow the restaurant kitchen to close prior to one hour before closing time.

Shaganappi Trail Corridor Study (item 10.1.1)
Council approved a study of the Shaganappi Trail corridor between north of 16 Avenue and Stoney Trail. The study looked at how best to accommodate all modes of transportation (walking, cycling, transit and driving), including High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) lanes, in a long-term vision for Shaganappi Trail.

Drainage, Wastewater and Water Utility Bylaw Amendments (item 10.2.1)
Administration presented a number of proposed updates to the Drainage, Wastewater and Water Utility Bylaws which were approved by Council. The updates support operational efficiency, simplify existing citizen expectations, clarify language related to billing, and provide improved response mechanisms for infractions that threaten the environment, infrastructure, and public safety. The terms of reference for a reclaimed water agreement was also included in the updates.

Ethical Conduct for Members of Council Policy Amendments (items 10.3.1)
Council approved updates to their Ethical Conduct Policy, adopting restrictions for alcohol expensing and consumption.

Integrity Commissioner (item 12.1)
Council approved the establishment of an independent Integrity Commissioner as a means to investigate allegations of Councillor misconduct. Council directed Administration to report back to the Priorities and Finance Committee to outline the role and recruitment strategy in more detail.

Provincial Regulations for Ride-Sharing Companies (Councillor Notice of Motion )
Council approved a proposal to engage the Province to develop a coordinated, provincial ride hailing strategy. The strategy would include engagement with other Alberta municipalities, industry and customers along with a review of safety and consumer protection considerations.

Glenmore Landing and Adjacent City Owned Land (Councillor Notice of Motion)
Council approved a proposal requesting that Administration work collaboratively with the Glenmore Landing Shopping Center on redevelopment plans, taking into account the future Southwest Transitway and adjoining City–owned lands.

Council News in Brief is an informal summary of highlights from Calgary City Council’s meetings. The City Clerk provides the complete and formal documentation of Council’s meetings.