Council News in Brief - January 16

Council News in Brief - Pilot
Special Meeting of Council
January 16, 2015

Build Calgary Overview (item 4.1.1)
Build Calgary is a collaboration between multiple City business units and external stakeholders geared to prioritizing and meeting the demands of growth within the city. The Build Calgary concept was first introduced in October 2014 when the City was forecasting growth of between 25,000 and 40,000 people per year. Managing the City’s approach to growth in a coordinated way was cited as even more important today given Calgary’s current economic environment. The Administration provided Council with an overview of the program and a view into several key initiatives within it.

These include:

  • Updating the Offsite Levy Bylaw which determines how infrastructure costs are shared for new development;
  • The Legislative Framework which includes updates to the Municipal Government Act (MGA) and the development of a Charter for the City of Calgary. These are two significant governing agreements that affect how The City of Calgary is funded and functions as an organization;
  • The land supply process;
  • Regional coordination with Calgary’s surrounding areas;
  • Commercial, industrial and transit oriented development (TOD); and
  • The financing implications of growth for the City of Calgary.

Today was the first of several Build Calgary strategy sessions expected this year. Council received the verbal report and directed that Administration only work on infrastructure included within the 2015-18 Action Plan until a new Offsite Levy Bylaw is in place – targeted for October 2015.

Council News in Brief is an informal summary of highlights from Calgary City Council’s meetings. The City Clerk provides the complete and formal documentation of Council’s meetings.