Committee News in Brief - January 21
Council News in Brief - Pilot
SPC on Transit and Transportation
January 21, 2015
Transit Shelter Vandalism Report (Item 3.1)
Calgary Transit provided a report outlining actions being taken to reduce transit shelter vandalism, as requested by Council. The current strategy consists of five key areas: prompt vandalism reporting and repair, public education, prevention, identification of and response to vandals and a focus on “high risk” locations.
The Committee recieved the report for information and recommended that this be discussed as Urgent Business at the next Council meeting on January 26.
Shaganappi Trail Corridor Study (Item 3.2)
Transportation Planning presented findings of a study of the Shaganappi Trail corridor between north of 16 Avenue and Stoney Trail. The study looked at how best to accommodate all modes of transportation (walking, cycling, transit and driving), including High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) lanes, in a long-term vision for Shaganappi Trail.
The Committee approved the Shaganappi Trail Corridor Study with clerical amendments and directed Administration to investigate interim intersection improvements at Shaganappi Trail and Varsity Drive North and Shaganappi Trail and Valiant Drive North. As part of this, they also directed Administration to work with residents of the various Voyageur Drive segments and the Varsity Community Association on the renaming of Voyageur Drive.
Transportation Funding Mechanism Study – Deferral (Item 3.3)
The committee agreed to recommend that Council approve Administration’s request to defer the Transportation Funding Mechanisms Study Report to no later than the 2015 May 20 meeting of the SPC on Transportation and Transit.
Council News in Brief is an informal summary of highlights from Calgary City Council’s meetings. The City Clerk provides the complete and formal documentation of Council’s meetings.
SPC on Transit and Transportation
January 21, 2015
Transit Shelter Vandalism Report (Item 3.1)
Calgary Transit provided a report outlining actions being taken to reduce transit shelter vandalism, as requested by Council. The current strategy consists of five key areas: prompt vandalism reporting and repair, public education, prevention, identification of and response to vandals and a focus on “high risk” locations.
The Committee recieved the report for information and recommended that this be discussed as Urgent Business at the next Council meeting on January 26.
Shaganappi Trail Corridor Study (Item 3.2)
Transportation Planning presented findings of a study of the Shaganappi Trail corridor between north of 16 Avenue and Stoney Trail. The study looked at how best to accommodate all modes of transportation (walking, cycling, transit and driving), including High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) lanes, in a long-term vision for Shaganappi Trail.
The Committee approved the Shaganappi Trail Corridor Study with clerical amendments and directed Administration to investigate interim intersection improvements at Shaganappi Trail and Varsity Drive North and Shaganappi Trail and Valiant Drive North. As part of this, they also directed Administration to work with residents of the various Voyageur Drive segments and the Varsity Community Association on the renaming of Voyageur Drive.
Transportation Funding Mechanism Study – Deferral (Item 3.3)
The committee agreed to recommend that Council approve Administration’s request to defer the Transportation Funding Mechanisms Study Report to no later than the 2015 May 20 meeting of the SPC on Transportation and Transit.
Council News in Brief is an informal summary of highlights from Calgary City Council’s meetings. The City Clerk provides the complete and formal documentation of Council’s meetings.
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