Committee News in Brief - January 14

To help citizens better understand what happens in City Council meetings, The City of Calgary is piloting a project to objectively report the debates and decisions that are happening in Council and Committee meetings.

Committee News in Brief - Pilot
Planning and Urban Development
January 14, 2015

3.1 Designation of Turcotte (Caldwell) Residence as a Municipal Historic Resource
Administration’s recommendation that Council give three readings to the proposed bylaw to designate the Turcotte (Caldwell) Residence as a Municipal Historic Resource, was carried forward.

3.2 Follow-up Report to the 50 Avenue SW Area Redevelopment
Administration agreed to defer the follow-up report to the 50 Avenue SW Area Redevelopment Plan (ARP) no later than July 2016 (originally August 2016). Carried motion to adjourn.

There are concerns of feasibility and development moving forward from the planning department. A feasibility study will be conducted and if nothing happens there will be follow-up. Lifting the growth overlay is subject to coming to the table; the ARP calls that the development in the area match the densities as indicated in the plan. A cost-benefit analysis will decide whether to re-open the ARP.


Council News in Brief is an informal summary of highlights from Calgary City Council’s meetings. The City Clerk provides the complete and formal documentation of Council’s meetings.