Action Plan is The City's budget, and it needs your feedback

Today, The City of Calgary released its four-year business plan and budget--Action Plan. Unlike other orders of government, there are no surprises in this $22 billion plan. It was created starting with the input of citizens and public direction from City Council. Now that we have this comprehensive budget, we are looking for your feedback on it (by phone, online, or in person). And, in the coming weeks, City Council will debate, line by line, the Action Plan that will guide our municipality for the next four years. It's important stuff, so I hope you have an opportunity to check it out.

Here's my letter that appears in the beginning of Action Plan...

Fellow Calgarians:

Business plans and budgets are some of the most important documents we can create for our city. They provide a detailed roadmap for Calgary over the next four years—direction to over 15,000 City of Calgary employees and many community partners to deliver important daily services, programs, and infrastructure to 1,195,200 Calgarians. 

This is your document. Action Plan is based on a month of engagement, and discussion with thousands of Calgarians. You told us about your priorities and Council, in turn, based its priorities on what we heard from you. From there, our colleagues in The City of Calgary produced a very thorough set of business plans and budgets.

Our biggest issue is managing growth. This is certainly better than the alternative, but it means we have to make smart decisions about how we grow to ensure prosperity and opportunity. In fact, since I've been your mayor, we have experienced three of the five largest annual population increases in our history. We have added an entire City of Red Deer two times over! 

I’m proud that, together, we've produced an Action Plan that provides the services and infrastructure Calgarians need while keeping our property taxes among the lowest in Canada. Of course, we have a lot of work ahead of us, but we now have a solid foundation from which to start.


Naheed K. Nenshi