Mayor's Office meeting register: July - September 2014

Office sign photo

Since Mayor Naheed Nenshi was first elected, he has published monthly lists of meetings he's taken in his office. This was a voluntary action in the absence of a formal policy. In July 2013, at his urging, Council agreed to publish quarterly lists of meetings held with members of the public (ie: not City of Calgary employees) in the offices of the mayor and councillors.

Click here to view a list of meetings with Mayor Nenshi.

Click here to view a list of meetings with Mayor Nenshi's staff.

The details of the new disclosure policy can be found in the Ethical Conduct Policy for Members of Council. Here is the specific quote related to disclosing meetings:
All visitors shall be encouraged to sign a form with appropriate language allowing release of their names as per Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy legislation. Members of Council and their staff shall disclose a list of those external visitors to The City (excluding Media), with whom they have met in their offices quarterly.