Take Mayor Nenshi's Walk Challenge

Today, Mayor Naheed Nenshi joined with parents and a teacher to launch Mayor Nenshi’s Walk Challenge—a campaign to encourage Calgary kids to walk (or bike or rollerblade or any form of active transportation) to school this year. By walking to school, Calgary kids can help reduce the emission of greenhouse gasses in our environment, get additional exercise to stay fit and healthy, and do better in school. With more kids walking to school, we can also reduce the traffic congestion on streets around our schools.

Media and the public can learn more about Mayor Nenshi’s Walk Challenge at Calgary.ca/WalkChallenge. Anyone taking up the challenge is encouraged to share their experience on Facebook (at Facebook.com/WalkChallenge) or Twitter (using #yycwalk).

“I know that a lot of families are very busy getting prepared for school and work every day,” said Mayor Nenshi. “But incorporating an additional 15 or 20 minutes into your routine can yield big benefits.”

Mayor Nenshi was joined today by:

  • Tiffany Stones – A parent in Altadore who, with the help of other parents in the area, organized a Walking School Bus.
  • Lori Beattie - A parent in Elboya who helped her child and his friends set up a “bike gang” that bikes to school year-round.
  • Debbie Rheinstein – A teacher at Captain Nichola Goddard School who supported her students as they created the Green Commuting Hubs program as part of their 2014 Mayor’s Environment Expo project.