Mayor Nenshi calls out for kids' flood-related art

As part of The City’s commemoration to the worst natural disaster in our modern history, Mayor Naheed Nenshi invites all Calgarians aged 12 and under to submit their drawings and photos to share their experiences during the 2013 flood and flood recovery.

“The flood of 2013 hit Calgary hard and we recognize some Calgarians have faced extremely difficult times this past year,” says Mayor Nenshi. “But the flood also saw our community spirit grow stronger. One of the ways we want to remember June 20, 2013 and recognize that community spirit is by calling on the children of Calgary to show us their experience of the flood through art and photography. We’ll look back while moving forward with hope and optimism.”

This artwork will be unveiled June 20, 2014, and used in a large-scale display in the Municipal Building and at various locations throughout the city and online.

How to participate
Kids across Calgary, 12 years and under, can submit a photo or drawing relating to the 2013 flood, recovery or preparedness. It should be 8.5 x 11 inches, either landscape or portrait. Submissions are accepted from March 7 until April 4, 2014 by mail, in person or by email.

Find submission details online here or call 311.

- Reposted from Calgary City News Blog