Great work by my City of Calgary colleagues: Crowchild Trail water main repair

Crowchild repair
I am very impressed with so many of my colleagues at The City of Calgary.

On Saturday evening, we discovered one of the largest water main breaks ever experienced in Calgary underneath Crowchild Trail which caused the shutdown of that road.

We needed to fix the problem as quickly as possible, and Calgarians (including university students writing final exams) needed to know what was happening and what alternate travel plans they should make.

I’m proud that a number of City of Calgary departments and partners came together, under the direction of the Calgary Emergency Management Agency, to solve this potentially disastrous situation. Water Services, Water Resources, Roads, Customer Service & Communications, Calgary Transit, Corporate Security, Infrastructure and Information Services, Information Technology, Calgary Fire Department, and the Calgary Police Service, as well as ATCO all worked around the clock to make sure the work was done well and quickly and that all Calgarians were well-informed. I'm proud of how well my City colleagues responded to this crisis and how well they got the job done.

It’s worth noting that citizens noticed. My office has been flooded, not with complaints, but with compliments for how well The City communicated and how quickly the road was re-opened.

Thank you to Calgarians for their patience during this situation.

Thank you especially to my colleagues at The City of Calgary. I'm proud of you today, and every day.

- Mayor Naheed K. Nenshi