I want you... to volunteer for a City committee!

Being a volunteer for one of The City of Calgary's many committees, boards, or commissions can be a great way to share your talents and give back to Calgary. By being on a committee, you can have important input into the decision-making process while also networking with other great community-builders. And, as I say in the video, it might just be one of your 3 Things for Calgary.

We are looking for Calgarians right now (deadline is September 21st at 4:30 p.m.) to apply to serve on one of these committees. Every fall, positions open up that need to be filled. This year, some of the committees with vacancies include:
  • Public Art Board
  • Audit Committee
  • Calgary Parking Authority
  • Saddledome Foundation
  • eGovernment Strategy Advisory Committee
  • Calgary Airport Authority
  • and 10 others!
Please visit City's website and volunteer to put your skills and expertise to work for Calgary. My City Council colleagues and I truly value the input from citizens who volunteer on these committees. I look forward to working with you!

- Mayor Naheed Nenshi