Mayor Nenshi's 2012 Calgary Stampede
Photos of Mayor Nenshi's Stampede (some not included here) can all be seen here.
July 15, 2012
And it's the final day of Stampede. Mayor Nenshi concluded his last day with an appearance at the Grandstand Show (white hats were given to all the international performers in the show) and officially closing the Indian Village. And the fireworks from the grounds? Despite some rain, they were still amazing!
We hope you joined in and had a great centennial celebration with all of us. See you next year!
July 14, 2012
It's final Stampede weekend and Saturdays are always a prime time for community breakfasts. Mayor Nenshi travelled the city to five breakfasts and one BBQ all run by local community groups! It's a busy day, but totally worth spending time with dedicated volunteers flipping pancakes and chatting with people in line. The day concluded with watching the Light up the City fireworks with friends, family and thousands of Calgarians at Heritage Park.
July 13, 2012
Just a few more days left of Stampede! More breakfasts and more opportunities to meet with Calgarians all across Calgary. This included a tour of Fresh Start's new Calgary facility. In a break from Stampede activities, Mayor Nenshi performed his official duties to inspect the city's newest Calgary Police Service graduates, and after that he joined with Calgary Reads for a book launch by local author and man about town Dave Kelly. He also had a chance to white hat the daughters of former Mayor Don McKay (who also happened to be the first mayor to create the tradition of white-hatting visitors to Calgary).
July 12, 2012
Today's pancake breakfast tour had Mayor Nenshi meeting with a variety of City of Calgary employees with an opportunity to thank many of them for the hard work they do year-round but especially during the Calgary Stampede to ensure all Calgarians and visitors have a great time. In non-Stampede-related events, Mayor Nenshi was also on hand for a provincial announcement of new funding for the Calgary Drug Treatment Court Program and the grand opening of the Calgary Immigrant Educational Society's Welcome Centre for New Immigrants.
July 11, 2012
Halfway through Stampede week and things aren't letting up. Today was a special day for Mayor Nenshi to finally get a chance to celebrate Stampede with some City of Calgary staff at an annual BBQ. The day also began by spending the morning with thousands of kids at the BMO Kids Day Breakfast on the Stampede grounds where Mayor Nenshi was interviewed by a few BMO and CityTV Junior Reporters. Later in the day, Mayor Nenshi also sat down with former Mayor Al Duerr for a televised panel discussion about what it's like to be mayor of Calgary during Stampede.
July 10, 2012
The pancake breakfasts continue including a visit with colleagues at the Rocky View County Council.One breakfast (hosted by Hull Family Services) also included a quick ride in hot air balloon. The afternoon was a chance for Mayor Nenshi and his team to get a look at the fun of the Stampede midway. Since Mayor Nenshi has a history with zip-lines it made sense that he'd check out the new zip-line at the Stampede. Later in the day, he also visited with Calgarians at the annual Pioneer Lunch on the Stampede grounds.
July 9, 2012
It's the Monday of Stampede. Some of us may be a little tired from long, hot weekend around town, but Mayor Nenshi is still going strong to visit Calgarians as they continue to celebrate around Calgary. Monday included Premier Redford's annual Stampede Breakfast, a visit to the BMO Centre to honour agriculture in Alberta at the Farm Family Awards, and starting the 3rd Annual Calgary Police and Firefighters Cook-off (the specific dish was ribs this year).
July 8, 2012
Another day of community breakfasts, barbecues and fireworks that took Mayor Nenshi to every quadrant of the city to meet with many Calgarians and visitors to our city. Later in the day, Mayor Nenshi joined with dignitaries at the chuck wagon races to officially unveil the plaque commemorating the Calgary Stampede as an event of national historical significance. Mayor Nenshi also attended his second of five community fireworks shows that are part of the Stampede's Light up the City.
July 7, 2012
It was a day that started with a lot of community breakfasts including a couple of big ones hosted by Chinook Centre and the Ismaili Community and even a few smaller ones including Garrison Woods and Erinwoods (well, that last one was more of a BBQ). Mayor Nenshi also had a chance to welcome an insectoid car named Mondo Spider onto Stephen Avenue for a Beakerhead pop-up play.
One industrious reporter asked how many breakfasts Mayor Nenshi is likely to attend this year. The answer: about 45! But, we have a rule for all of us in the Mayor's Office: only one pancake a day. Some say it's mean, but I say it's healthy.
July 6, 2012
PARADE DAY! After an early-morning breakfast parade participants, Mayor Nenshi walked to the start of the parade to meet up with Garfield the horse and start the parade. Although he had written it a couple days prior, his article about what makes Stampede and Calgary amazing also appeared in the parade day Calgary Herald. One of the great things about being at the start of the parade is that you can finish your tour and still get to a spot at the side of the road to watch most of the parade--which is exactly what Mayor Nenshi did with his friends and family. Later on in the day, he attended a community BBQ and will soon (since I'm writing this in advance) make his way to the Stampede grounds for the official opening of the Indian Village and other official Stampede activities. Oh... and the first of many fireworks in communities all around Calgary!
July 5, 2012
And it's the final day of Stampede. Mayor Nenshi concluded his last day with an appearance at the Grandstand Show (white hats were given to all the international performers in the show) and officially closing the Indian Village. And the fireworks from the grounds? Despite some rain, they were still amazing!
We hope you joined in and had a great centennial celebration with all of us. See you next year!
July 14, 2012
It's final Stampede weekend and Saturdays are always a prime time for community breakfasts. Mayor Nenshi travelled the city to five breakfasts and one BBQ all run by local community groups! It's a busy day, but totally worth spending time with dedicated volunteers flipping pancakes and chatting with people in line. The day concluded with watching the Light up the City fireworks with friends, family and thousands of Calgarians at Heritage Park.
July 13, 2012
Just a few more days left of Stampede! More breakfasts and more opportunities to meet with Calgarians all across Calgary. This included a tour of Fresh Start's new Calgary facility. In a break from Stampede activities, Mayor Nenshi performed his official duties to inspect the city's newest Calgary Police Service graduates, and after that he joined with Calgary Reads for a book launch by local author and man about town Dave Kelly. He also had a chance to white hat the daughters of former Mayor Don McKay (who also happened to be the first mayor to create the tradition of white-hatting visitors to Calgary).
July 12, 2012
Today's pancake breakfast tour had Mayor Nenshi meeting with a variety of City of Calgary employees with an opportunity to thank many of them for the hard work they do year-round but especially during the Calgary Stampede to ensure all Calgarians and visitors have a great time. In non-Stampede-related events, Mayor Nenshi was also on hand for a provincial announcement of new funding for the Calgary Drug Treatment Court Program and the grand opening of the Calgary Immigrant Educational Society's Welcome Centre for New Immigrants.
July 11, 2012
Halfway through Stampede week and things aren't letting up. Today was a special day for Mayor Nenshi to finally get a chance to celebrate Stampede with some City of Calgary staff at an annual BBQ. The day also began by spending the morning with thousands of kids at the BMO Kids Day Breakfast on the Stampede grounds where Mayor Nenshi was interviewed by a few BMO and CityTV Junior Reporters. Later in the day, Mayor Nenshi also sat down with former Mayor Al Duerr for a televised panel discussion about what it's like to be mayor of Calgary during Stampede.
Mayor Nenshi and Ron (Buck Shot) Barge |
July 10, 2012
The pancake breakfasts continue including a visit with colleagues at the Rocky View County Council.One breakfast (hosted by Hull Family Services) also included a quick ride in hot air balloon. The afternoon was a chance for Mayor Nenshi and his team to get a look at the fun of the Stampede midway. Since Mayor Nenshi has a history with zip-lines it made sense that he'd check out the new zip-line at the Stampede. Later in the day, he also visited with Calgarians at the annual Pioneer Lunch on the Stampede grounds.
July 9, 2012
Mayor Nenshi about to tip his hat to Alberta's farming families |
July 8, 2012
Another day of community breakfasts, barbecues and fireworks that took Mayor Nenshi to every quadrant of the city to meet with many Calgarians and visitors to our city. Later in the day, Mayor Nenshi joined with dignitaries at the chuck wagon races to officially unveil the plaque commemorating the Calgary Stampede as an event of national historical significance. Mayor Nenshi also attended his second of five community fireworks shows that are part of the Stampede's Light up the City.
July 7, 2012
It was a day that started with a lot of community breakfasts including a couple of big ones hosted by Chinook Centre and the Ismaili Community and even a few smaller ones including Garrison Woods and Erinwoods (well, that last one was more of a BBQ). Mayor Nenshi also had a chance to welcome an insectoid car named Mondo Spider onto Stephen Avenue for a Beakerhead pop-up play.
One industrious reporter asked how many breakfasts Mayor Nenshi is likely to attend this year. The answer: about 45! But, we have a rule for all of us in the Mayor's Office: only one pancake a day. Some say it's mean, but I say it's healthy.
July 6, 2012
PARADE DAY! After an early-morning breakfast parade participants, Mayor Nenshi walked to the start of the parade to meet up with Garfield the horse and start the parade. Although he had written it a couple days prior, his article about what makes Stampede and Calgary amazing also appeared in the parade day Calgary Herald. One of the great things about being at the start of the parade is that you can finish your tour and still get to a spot at the side of the road to watch most of the parade--which is exactly what Mayor Nenshi did with his friends and family. Later on in the day, he attended a community BBQ and will soon (since I'm writing this in advance) make his way to the Stampede grounds for the official opening of the Indian Village and other official Stampede activities. Oh... and the first of many fireworks in communities all around Calgary!
July 5, 2012
And so the breakfasts begin in earnest! Lots of pancakes around at the annual CBC Stampede Breakfast and then to First Flip on Stephen Avenue downtown. Mmmm... pancakes with fruit! Of course, the day also includes Council meetings (but no one wants to see photos of that right now). At lunch, Mayor Nenshi celebrated the progress of the Airport Trail Tunnel over a BBQ with the team that is keeping the tunnel on schedule and on budget. The day continued with a formal white-hatting of visitors from Quebec City's City Council and a visit with Bonhomme!
July 4, 2012
Stampede starts early for some folks. Mayor Nenshi spent his Forth of July around town including visiting the Calgary Fire Department's annual Stampede Breakfast, a community walk, and the first of many western parties in the evening. Oh, and he also got a chance to reconnect with Garfiield--his parade horse!
- Posted/Updated by Daorcey from Mayor Nenshi's team
* Yes, that is a young Mayor Nenshi with friends at the River Glen Rodeo. Photo courtesy Jodi Westrop
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