Give Calgary a 20-Minute Makeover!

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If you've ever joined in a group-cleaning of an area (maybe you've joined the annual pathway cleanup) you've likely experienced how fast it can be to make our public spaces litter-free.

So, let's give'r for a 20-Minute of Makeover of Calgary!

From Wednesday, June 6 to Saturday, June 9, 2012, all Calgarians are invited to join in a city-wide litter cleanup. Grab garbage bags and gloves and clean up a boulevard, back alley, or park – any public space that would benefit from a few minutes of TLC. Then just drop the collected litter in your regular garbage.

What difference can 20 minutes make? A BIG ONE!
If one in four Calgarians takes 20 minutes to pick up litter, we will invest 5,000,000 minutes, 83,333 hours, or 2,222 work days cleaning up our city. That's a major makeover! If each of us gives just 20 minutes picking up litter in public spaces, we will all benefit from a cleaner, safer city.

20 Minute Makover 2012
Who can participate in the 20-Minute Makeover?
All Calgarians - individuals and families, neighbours, schools, corporate and community groups - are all welcome to participate. Be part of building stronger communities!

Join the challenge by going to our sign up page and be counted!

Why not make a party of it? If you have a group of ten or more, garbage bags and a t-shirts will be available for your group. Everyone who signs up will be entered to win prizes. While registration is optional, we encourage you to sign up so we can map the cleanup.

We also encourage you to post your before and after photos on 3 Things for Calgary's Facebook page.

Group activities and events will be posted on the 20-Minute Makeover website. If you’d like to be part of a group event, watch the site for a location near you. If you’re planning a group event, we would be happy to post details of your event on the events page of the website.

Questions? Contact the 20-Minute Makeover Team, visit the website at, or call 3-1-1.

- posted by Daorcey (part of Mayor Nenshi's team) with help his 20-Minute Makeover friends