Airport Trail Tunnel update

February 2012 Concrete forms - tunnel structure and footings

Today, the Airport Trail Tunnel is passing a significant milestone with the first concrete pour of this important project. Here's an update on this piece of critical Calgary infrastructure that is on time and on budget:

Major progress has been made at the Airport Trail Tunnel site. The excavation of approximately 390,000 cubic metres of rock for the tunnel is now complete and crews started the first concrete pour of the tunnel walls and roof at 6 a.m. Friday, February 24. This 12-hour process is the first of 50 to come over the next few months, with the last one scheduled for early fall 2012.

February 2012 - Steel enforcement for walls and roof
Steel enforcement for walls and roof of tunnel (Feb. 2012)
Since construction began in 2011 crews have been busy working 24 hours a day and seven days a week on several key construction aspects to get ready for the series of concrete pours. These include excavating the tunnel site, forming and pouring concrete footings, installing 500-metres of underground utilities and installing 450 tonnes of steel enforcement. While pouring takes place on the tunnel structure, excavation and utility work continues on site in other areas.

December 13 2011 Aerials 021
Photo of excavation taken in December 2012
Coordinating and executing simultaneous construction activities can be challenging, but with all of the ongoing activities the project remains on time and within budget. This is thanks to excellent coordination with the Calgary Airport Authority and our engineering and contractor team.

For more information on this project please visit

- Daorcey from Mayor Nenshi's team (with photos and help from the good people of City of Calgary Transportation Department)