More communication for the Report Impaired Drivers program

We're in the thick of the holiday season--that time when we try to spend lots of time with our friends and family. Unfortunately, it's also the time when we hear more about impaired drivers making our roads less safe for all of us. Thankfully, the Calgary Police Service is out in full force helping to keep dangerous drivers off our streets.

And all Calgarians can help keep our streets safer too. The Report Impaired Drivers (RID) program reminds all of us that all we need to do is call 911 if we think we see an impaired driver. Drinking and driving puts people's lives and property at risk, so identifying the signs can help stop drunk drivers before it's too late. Please click on the link to see a list of signs of an impaired driver.

This important program is an ongoing partnership between the Calgary Police Service, Public Safety Communications (911), and Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD). You may have already seen some of the RID signs around town.

In November, Mayor Nenshi asked administration to explain how we currently advertise RID and for recommendations to increase communication about this important community program. For the record, here's the memo from the General Manager of Transportation with his recommendations (which Mayor Nenshi supports and expects to be implemented immediately):
In response to the question posed by his worship Mayor Nenshi during the 2011 November 07 Council Meeting question period, the information and recommendations below are provided on the Report Impaired Drivers (RID) community signage. 
The existing signage program consists of:
  • 8 highly visible oversized signs; and
  • Small street signs installed on street light poles.
The 8 large signs are considered most effective due to their high visibility. In addition, these signs are rotated through difference parts of Calgary to improve their effectiveness.
The small signs are strategically positioned at the primary access/egress of communities. The small signs are deemed to have modest value due to the prolific nature of similar small street signs. 
Administration recommends:
  • increasing the number of large signs (+2-3);
  • rotating the sings throughout the year, rather than only during the focus months;
  • use variable message signs at peak periods (Christmas/long weekends) if they are not otherwise tasked; and
  • leverage other social media channels (Twitter/Facebook) as a reminder tool.
The large signs are relatively expensive and the Roads Department will investigate funding for these signs through Alberta Traffic Safety Office grants, Calgary Police Service fine revenues, The Alberta Motor Association and MADD.
So you can expect to see more about RID in the near future. In the mean time, please call 911 whenever you see a potential impaired driver.

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!

- Daorcey from Mayor Nenshi's team