Help Draft the City's New Budget

Earlier this year, City Council and I decided to turn the budget and planning process upside down by asking for citizen input at the beginning of the budget process rather than at the end. By engaging citizens first, City Council will receive a draft budget that more accurately reflects your values and priorities. This massive engagement program is called Our City, Our Budget, Our Future.

Under the old system, the public didn't have a chance to comment on the budget until it went to City Council for debate. This is a fundamental shift in the way The City prepares its fiscal plan, and it is a significant step towards reinventing muncipal government here in Calgary.

Most Calgarians don't know that The City operates on a three year budget cycle with adjustments made each year. Thus, it is difficult to make fundamental changes in the middle of the budget cycle. This is why it is so important to get your input now--at the beginning.

The City has made it easy to for citizens to share their views. Simply download the Budget Kit or pick up a copy at your local public library. The Budget Kit contains an information booklet which describes all of The City’s services and a workbook where you can share your views about those services and the budget.

You, or your small group, simply complete the workbook and submit your answers through the on-line form, mail, or email.

We are also asking Calgarians to share their comments on Twitter (use the #yycbudget hastag), Facebook, Youtube and on our Blog.

I look forward to hearing from you!

- Mayor Nenshi