News Release: Mayor Nenshi committed to building Airport Underpass for Calgarians

From Airport Trail Underpass Considerations by The City of Calgary
Today, the City of Calgary’s Transportation Department released its report on the options for constructing the Airport Underpass. Within the report are details about the costs for building the Airport Underpass now, later, or not at all.

“This report confirms that we must build this underpass now,” said Mayor Nenshi. “It’s the right thing to do financially, it secures a vital east-west network, and it lays the ground for future LRT connection to the airport. Building it later at an astronomical cost would be a huge mistake.”

The estimated construction cost of the Airport Underpass project is $222.6 million which includes the construction of Airport Trail from Barlow Trail to 60 Street NE. The construction estimate also includes a 30 per cent contingency for cost overruns.

Construction of Airport Trail from 60 Street NE to Stoney Trail will be underway this spring and was previously approved by City Council.

Total project costs are estimated to be $294.8 million. This includes financing costs, insurance, and a provision for additional costs imposed by the Airport Authority which are still under negotiation.

The estimated cost of not building the Airport Underpass will be $325-$425 million (not including financing) for improvements to the surrounding road network. Constructing the Airport Underpass later, which would require boring a tunnel under a live runway, would cost $1.5-$1.6 billion.

“I trust that my Council colleagues will make the right decision for all Calgarians to build this Airport Underpass now,” said Mayor Nenshi.

[For more information about the Airport Underpass, please visit The City of Calgary website for the project.]

- Daorcey from Mayor Nenshi's team